
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Similie - Writing!
WALT: Find out what figurative language is.

Today we had writing with Ms.Komor and we learnt about what similies are. We had to explain in our own words what we thought a similie was. 
what I have learnt about a similie is that a similie is when you use as & like to describe something or someone for an example 
"She is as tall as a tree".
My thoughts about this lesson is that it got me thinking alot about how I could explain my thought on what my oppinion was about a similie and how I could put it into one whole sentence.

My definition
As American as apple pie.
As big as a elephant
As black as coal.
As blind as a bat.
As bold as a brass.
As boring as a watching paint dry.
As brave as a lion.
As bright as a button.

"If you want to know more about my learning or give feed back/feed forword then Please dont hesitate to comment down bellow"


The Lagoon pools template Reflection.

Today Kia-manawanui had to write a Template on the lagoon pools. 
We had to write about what we see at the pool, what we feel at the pool, what we hear at the pools and what we smell at the pools. 
Image result for panmure lagoon pools
The weather was like a day that had lost its pathway. It went rainy then sunny and from there it carried on. When it got to nearly the end of the day it was as bright as a diamond. The sun came peeking out of the clouds and looked straight at me as I felt like I was a marshmallow that melted under burning fire.

When we jumped into the pool it felt as cold as a refrigerator. It was relaxing but at the same time it felt freezing cold. The feelings of being in the water in a strange weather felt more like I was taking a cold bath.

The sounds at the pools were sounds of fun. People “Screaming” joy and also laughing happiness. There also was a few people “Splashing” the ways into the pool and bumping everyone out of there ways and playing lots of fun games. The people on the slides came down with a big “Swshhhh”.

The message that I am trying to tell the reader is that the panmure pools is a friendly place to relax and get away from any kind of stress or drama that is happening in life. So what I am trying to do is convince all of you who are wanting to have some time to themselves, Panmure pools is the place to go. Thank you all for reading my Craft template and I hope you all took my advice to heart.

"If you have any questions or any feed back/feed forward then please feel free to comment down below". :)

Monday, March 26, 2018

Kiwi sport/Cricket reflection

   Kiwi Sports/Cricket
  1. Image result for tennisHow do you feel about Kiwisport this week? Why? (Give at least 2 reasons) It was fun and enjoyable. The reason why is because it helped me with a lot of t
  2. hings like teaching me how to serve and also how hit the ball to where i want it to go.

  1. What parts of it did you like? Why?  (Give at least 2 reasons) I liked the part where we had to serve and challenge each other.
  2. What parts of it do you need to work on?  (Give at least 2 reasons) Hitting the ball softly so that i the person on the other side of me can get it and so that I don’t lose a point when i am in a real game.

    Image result for volleyball
  1. What did you learn about Volleyball this week? How to hit the ball straight and also to hit the ball over the net.

  1. Name at least 2 things that you need to improve on in Volleyball?  To hit the ball to where i want it to go and also let my nabour know that it’s my ball.
Image result for volleyball

  1. What would you like to do more of in our Volleyball lessons? Surviving.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Kiwi Sport!

WALT: Write a reflection on what we did at kiwisports.
I have made a reflection about my time at kiwi sport with my classmates.

I really enjoy kiwi sport because how I got to imrpove on my batting skills and also learn more about the sport tennis.
I think maybe next time I could still work on batting by practicing all though this week.
Down below will have a relfection about my time at kiwi sport.
Make sure to Comment.
What problems did you encounter while you were at Kiwisport? How did you solve them? Hitting the ball softly and I solved that problem by using a different position
2.    How do you feel about Kiwisport this week? Why?              (Give at least 2 reasons) I felt excited and happy.
3.    What parts of it did you like? Why? (Give at least 2  reasons) At Kiwisport I liked to surviving because surviving it was simple and easy to do.
4.   What parts of it did you dislike? Why?  (Give at least 2 reasons) I disliked when the ball went high and I couldn’t get it. The reason why I dislike when the ball goes high is because in my opinion I don’t like missing.
5.   What did this weeks lesson  tell you about yourself and how you learn? That I am able to learn new things and do new things that I have never done before.
6.   What would you like to spend more time on during Kiwisport? Learning how to hit the ball to where my pears or partners can get it.
7.  What's the one thing that you have seen in your classmates' during Kiwisport  that you would like to try next time? One thing that I have seen That my classmate do is hi9t the ball gently and that is one thing I want to work on next time.

Te tuhi Reflection

WALT: Write a reflection on what we did at Te tuhi gallery.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Kiwi sports/cricket reflection

WALT: Write a reflection on our kiwi sports/cricket this morning.

Today kia manawanui had kiwi sports/cricket. we split into our home groups, home group one went to tennis and home group two went to cricket. At tennis we learnt how to smash the ball and at cricket we learnt how to feild and also work as a team. I think I done really well at kiwi sports/cricket and I hope you all enjoyed my reflection.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Technology Reflection

WALT: Write a reflection on what we did at technology

Today Kia manawanui went to technology and I was in the graphics class. In graphics we learn how to connect shapes to make things like phone holders, stick people and other things like that.
WALT: Defend ourselves when we are in any plublic spaces.

Maths Reflection

WALT: Write a maths reflection on what we did for maths and how we felt.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


WALT: Write what helps me with my (Taha tinana - Taha wairua - Taha hinengaro - Taha whanau)

I have written what I think helps me with my hauora. Something that I would like to work on the next time I do something like this is to write more sentences and also giving more information.

Growth mindset bubble

WALT: Write a quote that realates to a growth mindset.

Expectations at the pools

WALT: Write what the Expectations are at the pools.